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Master’s degree in Contemporary History

Última modificación
Mon , 24/06/2024 - 01:42
Máster en Historia Contemporánea


This Master’s intends to provide advanced training in Contemporary History, with an academic, investigative profile, to create a “school of contemporary historians”, in which the necessary knowledge and techniques are acquired to be able to carry out historical research projects, whether as a professional historian, or as an expert in other professional fields such as journalism, the museum sector, the cultural sector, teaching, publishing, documentation, or social and political analysis.

For more information on former students’ professional profiles, teaching staff, full details on modules, subjects and courses, teaching guides, access and admission, regulations, quality, etc., click the following link:

Academic Year 2017-2018 and previous Academic Year 2018-2019

Department: Modern and Contemporary History

Coordinator: Pilar Salomón Chéliz (