Enrolment is done via the ONLINE SELF-ENROLMENT computer programme, by accessing the following link:
To be able to self-enrol, it is ESSENTIAL that you know your NIP (student ID number) and administrative password.
It is not possible to self-enrol in the following situations:
- Students who request part-time enrolment.
- Students admitted via change of studies.
- Students who have requested adaptation to the new Undergraduate plan.
- Foreign students who are not nationals of European Union member countries, who have permission to reside.
- Students of discontinued curricula: enrolment for Undergraduate modules can only be done by the Faculty Secretariat, once the corresponding flexibility measure is authorized. See information on curriculum discontinuation. /informacion-academica/extincion-de-planes-de-estudio
Where to self-enrol:
Self-enrolment can be done from any computer that is connected to the internet, without needing an appointment during the enrolment period, as long as the student has passed all the modules they enrolled in during the previous academic year, or has two graded exams.
It can also be done at the self-enrolment Hall set up at the Faculty. If you choose this option, consult the day and time of the prior appointment at: https://academico.unizar.es/grado-y-master/matricula/lugares-de-matricula
Deadline for self-enrolment
Enrolment documentation:
The following link provides information on the documents you should deliver to the centre’s secretariat:
Ways of handing in enrolment documentation:
- To the Secretariat or at the self-enrolment Hall: originals and copies of all the documentation to be presented.
- Send to the Secretariat’s address, via one of the options indicated below:
1. By administrative procedure, in accordance with article 38 of the Law on the Legal Framework of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure. The interested party may present themselves at the registrations indicated below, with the originals and copies of the documentation to be sent, to be confirmed by the staff member in charge of registration:
a. In the registrations of the administrative bodies to which they are directed.
b. In the registrations of any administrative body, which belongs to the General State Administration, to that of any Administration of the Autonomous Communities, to any Administration of the Provincial, Town and Island Councils, to the City Councils of the Municipalities referred to in article 121 of Law 7/1985, of 2nd April, regulating Bases of Local Regimes, or to the rest of the entities that form Local Administration if, in this last instance, they have signed the appropriate agreement.
Sending via administrative procedure is preferable because it guarantees that deadlines are met: the date entered in the Registry is considered the date of entry at the Faculty's Secretariat, and it is not necessary to send certified copies.
2. By ordinary or recorded post. In this case, certified copies must be sent. You should ensure that the documentation has arrived on time by sending an email to secrefil@unizar.es.