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Grade Review

Última modificación
Mon , 27/01/2025 - 11:38

Review before the professor/exam board in charge of assessing the test:

• The student has the right to have all exams, tests and pieces of work individually reviewed for assessment.

• The time, place and date of the review must be made public, along with the grades, at least 48 hours in advance, and will take place seven teaching days after grades are published.

• Final grades should be published on the day that the review period comes to an end, or where applicable, on the following teaching day, unless there are no changes, in which case publication is not necessary.

• Appeals against the results of the test review will be addressed to the Dean (see following point).

Review panel for exams already taken:


1. The assessment test must be definitive.

2. The exam review before the professor or the exam board who performed the overall assessment must be assisted.

3. The professor responsible for the module cannot be part of the Exam Board.

Deadline for requesting review:

Within three teaching days following the date established for the review before the professor in charge of evaluating the test.


The Exam review by the exam board application form will be presented. It should include the following:

a) Name and surname(s), qualification, academic year and group to which the module for which the grade appeal is being sought belongs.

b) Address and email, for the purpose of notifications.

c) Date of review with the professor and reason for the application.

d) Reasons for appeal:

  • Misalignment between the exam content and that laid out in the teaching guide. 
  • Use of assessment criteria and procedures different to those established. 
  • Objective errors in the grade. 
  • Any other reason that could be an infraction of the current legal dispositions or regulations.

Appealing the Exam Board’s Decision:

 An appeal may be lodged with the university’s Rector, within a month of notification. The Rector’s decision is final.