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Faculty Review

Última modificación
Fri , 31/01/2025 - 11:53

 There are TWO SYSTEMS of evaluation by faculty review:

A) Regulated by Heading IV of the Learning Evaluation Regulations. This system applies to Undergraduate students (Licenciatura and Grado).

B) Regulated by the complementary regulations on curricular/compensation evaluation of modules, approved by the Teaching Commission at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. This system only applies to Undergraduate students (Licenciatura), with prior written confirmation of the request.

System A) Learning Evaluation Regulations (Undergraduate students - Grado and Licenciatura)


  1. Have studied at least fifty per cent of the work load at the University of Zaragoza.
  2. That at the time of requesting the evaluation, they require another module to finalize the studies of the corresponding qualification. For these purposes, credits from practicum, the undergraduate dissertation, accreditation of language studies (level B1), and external work experience will not be counted.
  3. That they have been examined in the subject for which they request the faculty review in a minimum of two exam sittings. These exam sittings will take place in different academic years at the University of Zaragoza, with the exception of final year modules.
  4. That they are enrolled in the module and graded in the exam sitting so that they can request faculty review with a mark other than zero.

Please note:

Faculty review can only be requested for a core or obligatory module.

Faculty review will not be applicable to credits from practicum, undergraduate dissertation, accreditation of language studies (level B1), external work experience or equivalent modules included as such in the corresponding curricula.

Those who have been sanctioned with a firm resolution due to irregularities in the tests corresponding to the modules for which faculty review is requested cannot request faculty review.

Calculate your curricular assessment:

First and Second Cycle


System B) Agreement by the Teaching Commission at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (only for undergraduate students - Licenciatura)


  1. Compensable fails are those grades that are considered as such by the professor in the record. For a fail to be compensable, the grade obtained must be at least 4.
  2. The maximum number of credits that can be compensated in undergraduate degrees is 18.
  3. Criteria for compensation:
    1.  All the failed modules must have a minimum grade of 4 (compensable fail) in order to obtain the degree.
    2. The average weighted grade credits for all modules must be at least 5.5 when up to 6 credits are compensated, and at least 6 when more than 6 credits are compensated.



Application period:

The application will be presented in writing to the Faculty Secretariat, addressed to the dean or the centre director, within the ten university days following the end of the delivery period for the official report on the exam sitting for which the curricular compensation is requested.

Decision period:

Fifteen university days from the day following the end of the application presentation period.

In cases in which admission of the application does not go forward, due to not meeting the requirements established in the evaluation regulations, the centre’s management will settle upon non-admission.

Students can repeat the application once they meet these requirements.

Overturning appeal:

In cases in which compensation does not proceed after the application has been accepted because the calculation of the evaluation does not reach 5, an appeal may be made to the Rector within one month, starting from the notification of the decision.

Academic implications:

Modules passed by compensation will be equivalent to the numerical grade 5.

In cases which do not proceed to compensation, the decision will not affect the academic record nor the calculation of exam sittings. The application will be archived in the student’s record, as they cannot request evaluation by compensation again.