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Degree in Journalism

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Tue , 25/02/2025 - 01:53
Nombre varias titulaciones

The Degree in Journalism is suitable for students who think that it is worth being prepared for any of the tasks related to information and communication. We train communicators who are able to gather, analyse and understand information, to then make it available to different audiences in different mediums. Understanding our world and making in known with efficiency and quality is a central objective of our course. At the University of Zaragoza, the Degree in Journalism is designed to train professionals who are specialists in all media and formats. We seek to train complete journalists: that is, professionals who have the skills to work in the press, radio, television or online. Both in journalism as well as in communications in general, in private and public companies, in traditional media or in more innovative formats. At the end of the course, graduates in Journalism from the University of Zaragoza are competent in inquiry and in analysing the reality of their various environments, which involves good knowledge of the state of the world, its recent historical evolution and the basic parameters in the different fields, as well as an adequate ability to seek out and manage information. They must be competent in communicating in the different genres, languages, formats and technologies, integrated in different contexts and professional media in which journalistic activity takes place. That is, they need to have the ability to express themselves properly and effectively in different languages and contexts. Finally, they need the ability to integrate and adapt to the organization, teams, processes and criteria of the job, in the contexts and media of journalistic activity. They should have command of informative content and communication production processes and techniques, and have the ability to work independently and as a team.

For more information on former students’ professional profiles, teaching staff, full details on modules, subjects and courses, teaching guides, access and admission, regulations, quality, etc., click the following link.

Academic year 2017-2018 and previous  Academic year 2018-2019

Dept.: General and Hispanic Linguistics

Coordinator: Mª Guadalupe Gómez y Patiño (