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The Mentor Programme is an initiative by the Vice-Rectorate of Students and Employment and the Institute for Education Sciences at the University of Zaragoza (IEC), open to all the University of Zaragoza centres and faculties that wish to participate in the Programme during the 2018/2019 academic year. This year, almost 200 student mentors were involved in the programme.

The objective of the MENTOR PROGRAMME is to involve students at the end of their studies to accompany new undergraduate students academically, socially and in terms of administration, as a tutor/mentor.


Mentors will have the job of informing and directing mentored students in academic and administrative tasks:

  • They should complete specific four-hour training.
  • They will attend coordination, planning and training sessions with the centre’s University Orientation Plan (UOP), with the UOP coordinator.  As a minimum, they will attend the course start coordination session. At centres with special characteristics that require it, from the coordination of the UOP, they can establish a greater number of attendances at these coordination, planning and training sessions.
  • Produce a follow-up report for each of the group activities carried out during the academic year by accessing online files via As a minimum, three group mentoring sessions or tutoring/mentoring sessions should be carried out.
  • Produce a final report on the work done during the academic year.
  • Furthermore, they will collaborate with coordinating the POU at its centre in the activities where needed. This includes Welcome Workshops with new students, amongst others.


Candidates must be enrolled in their third year (or higher) of an undergraduate degree at the University of Zaragoza in the 2018/2019 academic year.

Mentor students must have passed at least 50% of the credits studied up to the 2017/2018 academic year and must demonstrate motivation and social skills in order to take on this role.


The University of Zaragoza will accredit student mentors for their dedication with a study support worth 70 euros, and UP TO 2 CREDITS for university activities (art. 12 of Agreement of 9th July 2009, of the University Governing Board, by which the Regulations on accrediting and transferring credits at the University of Zaragoza were approved). The Institute for Education Sciences will send a certificate to the mentors who participate in the Programme, in recognition of the activities carried out throughout the academic year, as well as for the training undertaken.

To proceed with this recognition procedure, an evaluation is done which is based on the information registered in the online database where the mentors save the reports on their meetings throughout the academic year.