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Basic Concepts

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Tue , 28/05/2024 - 12:15

Undergraduate and Master’s dissertations (henceforth UD and MD respectively) consist of producing a report or project that can follow one of the following models:

a) Specific academic works.

b) Specific work carried out in the laboratory.

c) Specific work carried out as a result of work experience at companies or institutions.

d) Equivalent work carried out as a result of a period spent at another university, either in Spain or abroad, by means of an agreement or mobility programme. 

It will be a written report that must be publicly defended before an Exam Board which is for this purpose. The minimum length is 1,000 words per module credit and it may, in addition, include the appendices considered necessary. Given that the maximum length is determined by the Commission for the Evaluation of Degree Quality, you are recommended to consult with the degree Coordinator or the teaching guide.

The descriptive report of the UD or MD will be made up of the following elements as a minimum: 

a) Summary. Master’s dissertations will be in more than one language (consult the Coordinator)

b) Introduction: Reasoning behind the work, status of the question, objectives and methodology applied.

c) Analytical development.  

d) Conclusions.  

e) List of sources, bibliography, resources and materials used.

 These pieces of work may be developed as a group (a maximum of two students, unless the Commission for the Guarantee of Degree Quality authorizes a greater number), but defence and assessment will always be individual.

The dissertation will be produced under the supervision of a Director (there may be a maximum of three co-directors).