Degree in Geography and Land Planning

Why study this degree?
Because it is the science of land. It is natural, environmental, and at the same time eminently social, which allows it to have a perspective based on the integration of complex relations between human groups, and between humans and the environment, from the double perspective of theory and applied methods.
Because it allows the identification of the planet’s diversity and the problems that affect it at different levels: risks of environmental degradation in relation to human action; sustainable use of natural resources; spatial strategies of socioeconomic development; social and geopolitical conflicts.
Because it manages advanced computing and cartographic tools and techniques (Geographic Computing Systems and remote sensing), which are fundamental for understanding and land planning.
Because it responds to the European Union’s policies on land and environmental planning, and the concept of the landscape as heritage.
For more information on former students’ professional profiles, teaching staff, full details on modules, subjects and courses, teaching guides, access and admission, regulations, quality, etc., click the following link.
Academic year 2017-2018 and previousAcademic year 2018-2019
Dept.: Geography and Land Planning
Coordinator: Dr. Severino Escolano Utrilla (